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Group Development Neuro-MOVEMENTAL program – Online course

Group Development Neuro-MOVEMENTAL program – Online course   DATE: 4 June 2022 Time: 11h00am - Week date available on request  Price: R220     Book your seat now!082 045 0510 info@brainmovers.co.za

Handwriting improvement for kids

DATE: 9 June 2022   Time: 18h00 - 19h30 Price: R220 Learning to write is a big challenge when you are a child. It takes concentration, persistence and skill to be able to master it.Some children however, find it extra difficult and they often have to make some...


In order for a child to have good self-control (i.e., behavior), the timing system in the brain must be operating normally. Faulty timing is at the heart of ADHD. Researchers in Australia recently developed a set of questions for parents of children with ADHD that...
Handwriting improvement for kids
Handwriting improvement for kids

DATE: 9 June 2022   Time: 18h00 - 19h30 Price: R220 Learning to write is a big challenge when you are a child. It takes concentration, persistence and skill to be able to master it.Some children however, find it extra difficult and they often have to make some unusual compensations to allow...

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In order for a child to have good self-control (i.e., behavior), the timing system in the brain must be operating normally. Faulty timing is at the heart of ADHD. Researchers in Australia recently developed a set of questions for parents of children with ADHD that will help doctors and therapists...

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Because we are made with a “limited” capacity for holding information in temporary memory storage (working memory), we are also made to compensate for this by our ability to direct these valuable resources where feel there is the most need, CAREFULLY SELECTING what to and not to pay attention to...

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Individuals with language-learning disabilities show slowed or delayed timing in the brain (in particular in the brainstem), so that they are not processing the timed or temporal elements of speech quickly enough to decipher sounds accurately and comprehend what is being said (also called temporal...

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Researchers (Nicholas et al, 2007) are asking whether genes responsible for timing in the brain are in some way flawed in children with Autism (including High Functioning Autism and Aspergers). Individuals on the Autism Spectrum display a significant number of symptoms that show timing in the...

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Here is an interesting study by Mantyla et al (2007). Ever notice how some individuals have difficulty following through with tasks if there is too much time delay between getting the “instructions” and the time frame in which the task is to be completed. This important skill depends upon timing...

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Kevin McGrew, PhD, Director of the Institute of Applied Psychometrics and critical member of the Interactive Metronome Scientific Advisory Board, has compiled a bibliography of references for research on dyslexia. Please use this link to access the list. Kevin McGrew. (2007). “Temporal processing”...

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“A number of studies show that there is a relation between intelligence and millisecond variability in timed behaviors.” Madison et al (2009) attempted to define the neurological underpinnings of intelligence, or how the brain operates. They wanted to know whether lapses in attention account for...

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In this larger follow-up study, Hembold and colleagues (2007) proved that there is a very strong relationship between higher intelligence (better performance on cognitive and motor tasks) and the ability to rapidly process information (or think fast). They found that timing in the brain was...

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Here is an interesting study on timing in the brain by Botzung et al (2008). Timing in the brain (or whatscientists refer to as precisely timed neural transmissions or neural oscillations in and between brain regions) is critical for humans to be able to store and retrieve memories. As an added...

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There is a definite trend we see among individuals who undergo Interactive Metronome® (IM) training, a program that improves timing in the brain or what is known as “temporal processing.” They typically demonstrate improved motor coordination and ability to focus. Most also experience other...

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