
About Me

After completing my Human Movement Science degree at the University of Pretoria in 2007, I did my honours in Biokinetics. 

My love for the science of movement and the effect it has on the brain (neurology), influenced my later application of neurodevelopmental movement studies. 

I then completed courses of Innate Neurodevelopmental movements with The Brain and Sensory Foundation. With the Integrated Learning Program, I completed “Colour me able” and “Wired to Learn”, and with the HANDLE Institute, I completed Level 1 and 2 in Holistic Approach to NeuroDevelopment and Learning Efficiency.   

I’m in private practice effectively using these tools, ensuring that every child achieves their potential in life, not just by coping, but by thriving. 

– Anneli Tromp

Registered Biokineticist

About Me

After completing my Human Movement Science degree at the University of Pretoria in 2007, I did my honours in Biokinetics. 

My love for the science of movement and the effect it has on the brain (neurology), influenced my later application of neurodevelopmental movement studies. 

I then completed courses of Innate Neurodevelopmental movements with The Brain and Sensory Foundation. With the Integrated Learning Program, I completed “Colour me able” and “Wired to Learn”, and with the HANDLE Institute, I completed Level 1 and 2 in Holistic Approach to NeuroDevelopment and Learning Efficiency.   

I’m in private practice effectively using these tools, ensuring that every child achieves their potential in life, not just by coping, but by thriving. 

– Anneli Tromp

Registered Biokineticist


The worst feeling as a parent is when your child is not thriving in life due to reasons we don’t understand. 

My journey started when my beautiful 8-year-old boy struggled with processing information. The teacher kept on phoning with the same issue; “he is a superstar but could not finish his tasks on time”. 

At home I could not understand the reasoning behind the struggle, he is such a clever little man, with such a broad general knowledge, how come he struggles with completing his tasks? After a few visits to various physicians, I realised that I didn’t want coping mechanisms or medication, I was looking for something different, I wanted lasting change, to make sure my boy achieves his full potential and thrive in life. 

I made the decision to rather focus on a holistic approach to help his brain process information faster. This is where I started focusing on neurodevelopment.  

I have a background in Human Movement Science and Biokinetics (Hons degree), so I’ve always been interested in how people move and function and what makes functioning easier. I started studying Neuro-Developmental Movements from innate rhythmic movement, primitive reflex movements, integrative movements, processing systems of the body, to the effect of rhythm/timing on the brain. As a specialist in human movement science, I began applying these concepts of different neuro-movements and activities to my boy.

And I was absolutely amazed with the results. This was the quickest thing I’d ever done to create transformation. Today, my 11-year-old boy is in grade 5 and a top performer in his grade. He is playing tennis like a pro, and his social skills and empathy towards life and its struggles in this word is astonishing.

“And this is why I started BrainMovers: Integrated Neuro-Movement Program. I saw the profound benefits of doing neurodevelopmental movements, and I love to share these life-changing tools with others.”

My goal is helping children and their families – even struggling adults – reach their potential in life; not just to cope, but to thrive.

 – Anneli Tromp