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In order for a child to have good self-control (i.e., behavior), the timing system in the brain...


Because we are made with a “limited” capacity for holding information in temporary memory storage...

Group Development Neuro-MOVEMENTAL program – Online course

Group Development Neuro-MOVEMENTAL program – Online course   DATE: 4 June 2022 Time: 11h00am - Week date available on request  Price: R220     Book your seat now!082 045 0510 info@brainmovers.co.za

Handwriting improvement for kids

DATE: 9 June 2022   Time: 18h00 - 19h30 Price: R220 Learning to write is a big challenge when you are a child. It takes concentration, persistence and skill to be able to master it.Some children however, find it extra difficult and they often have to make some...


In order for a child to have good self-control (i.e., behavior), the timing system in the brain must be operating normally. Faulty timing is at the heart of ADHD. Researchers in Australia recently developed a set of questions for parents of children with ADHD that...

Here is a fascinating study in Cortex that looked at the brain under fMRI while listening to rhythmic auditory sounds. Bengtsson et al (2009) found that areas of the brain involved in motor planning and sequencing (or preparing motor sequences) were activated while listening to rhythmic sound....

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Scalar expectancy theory (SET) is one of the most popular current models of human timing. This article contains one of the simplest explanations of SET that I have seen. Wearden (2008) suggests our brain keeps time via a pacemaker that starts pulsing at...

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